Maricopa County, with its population of 4.5 million people, is the fourth largest county in the United States. The current fiscal year budget is $4.3 billion and is funded primarily revenue from a property tax assessment rate (they set) of $1.20 per $100 of assessed value. This budget funds 61 departments ranging from elected offices such as the county sheriff, attorney, assessor, recorder and treasurer, the Maricopa County Department of Transportation, the county manager’s office, special taxing districts such as the library and flood control districts, and elections. The power and authority to govern the county is vested in five supervisors representing distinct geographical areas. For context, a member of the United States House of Representatives represents approximately 700,000 people while a Maricopa County Supervisor represents approximately 900,000 people. [...]
Learn More District Map–Michelle Ugenti-Rita
–Michelle Ugenti-Rita