Maricopa County, with its population of 4.5 million people, is the fourth largest county in the United States. The current fiscal year budget is $4.3 billion and is funded primarily by revenue from a property tax assessment rate (they set) of $1.20 per $100 of assessed value. This budget funds 61 departments ranging from elected offices such as the county sheriff, attorney, assessor, recorder and treasurer, the Maricopa County Department of Transportation, the county manager’s office, special taxing districts such as the library and flood control districts, and elections. The power and authority to govern the county is vested in five supervisors representing distinct geographical areas. For context, a member of the United States House of Representatives represents approximately 700,000 people while a Maricopa County Supervisor represents approximately 900,000 people.
During my 12 years of service in the Arizona legislature, as both a Senator and a Representative, I witnessed firsthand the influence and impact of the Board of Supervisors and the bureaucracy of Maricopa County. It ranged from issues such as election reform, the extension of the Prop 400 transportation tax, regulatory reform for small businesses, the power and influence of special taxing districts, and the state’s budget. They regularly injected themselves in a significant way and often to the detriment of their own constituents. For far too long, they have been able to run amok, unchecked and without scrutiny.
It is now time to shine the light on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. They like to tout a reduction in the tax rate they set when creating their budget while ignoring the fact they are generating additional revenue from property taxpayers rather than actually reducing the amount each person pays. For the last several years, the Board has promoted their recklessly aggressive spending of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) monies that has significantly increased our federal debt when they could have returned it to Washington DC or provided direct financial relief to their residents in this time of skyrocketing inflation and crushing housing, gas and food prices.
In addition to the rampant spending of Covid-19 dollars, they were quick to restrict our personal liberties and inflict significant harm to our families and children by declaring a public health emergency which led to mask mandates, restrictions on our businesses and economy and the closure of our schools. While they claim to be pro-business there are numerous examples of them vociferously opposing legislative efforts at regulatory reform to relive the burden of excessive bureaucratic red tape.
What may be a surprise to many are the several roles Supervisors play by virtue of being a member of the Board. It is akin to the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. In addition to being members of the county board, they serve as board members of numerous special taxing districts that have the ability to increase taxes and impose financial penalties on property owners at will and often with little to no recourse for the taxpayer. Here too, the bureaucracy wields a heavy hand which is most often ceremoniously blessed by the board. This allows them to portray themselves one way to voters at election time while behaving another way while in office.
It is time for an experienced leader with a proven conservative record of fiscal management, real tax cuts, reducing government intrusion in our lives and businesses, and successfully championing real election reform that is making a difference. As I travel the district meeting with voters, I look forward to exposing my opponent’s RINO record. Originally appointed, my opponent continues to focus on doing the bidding of the members of the swamp who put him there while he ignores the real needs of his voters. I humbly ask that you support my candidacy for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors by voting for me on August 6, 2024.